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National Designation for Local Literacy Efforts
Summer brought good news to Northfield Promise’s reading improvement efforts when Northfield became the first Minnesota community to join the national Campaign for Grade Level Reading. This project connects the other literacy programs aimed at helping children become more skilled readers, an essential skill in achieving the benchmarks of Northfield Promise’s cradle-to-career goals. Launched in […]

Career Exploration Day – A Great Success!
The theme of Career Day 2018, Think Outside the Box, offered an opportunity for Northfield students to explore career possibilities, some of which they’d never previously heard about. Held of May 15, the event attracted 63 professionals, representing 42 business and post-secondary partners. Student attendance was robust with 645 middle school students and 340 high […]

EmpowHER: Igniting surprise and wonder in young women through sport and adventure
Partnership is a key component in the newly developing program EmpowHER. As you might guess, the program is aimed at young women. With a goal of “igniting surprise and wonder in young women through sport and adventure,” the program sent its first group of middle school girls out to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW) […]

Move 5 Kids
When each child can read at grade level by the end of 3rd grade, they have gained an essential component of ongoing academic success. This reading goal is among the academic goals in Northfield Promise’s efforts. It is also tied to a recent award from the StriveTogether Accelerator Fund. In 2017, 57% of Northfield’s 3rd […]
Northfield is the first in MN to join the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading, a Nationwide Movement
Northfield is the first community from Minnesota to join the GLR Campaign, making Minnesota the 44th state to put a stake in the ground on third-grade reading. Led by Northfield Promise, a local collective impact initiative, Northfield has structured its approach around six strategies: early literacy, family involvement, access to books, expanded learning, mentoring partnerships […]
Northfield Promise launches new website
Website emphasizes 10 benchmarks and calls for community to be involved in lives of youth With assistance from Neuger Communications, Northfield Promise launched a new website this fall that allows community members to further explore the initiative’s 10 benchmarks and more clearly identify ways to get involved. The cradle-to-career continuum now allows community members to examine […]

Mother Goose Time Pilot with Home Daycare Providers
Nearly 150 young Northfield children benefitting from public-private partnership Through a series of intentional, one-on-one conversations with Northfield’s in-home childcare providers, the Northfield Promise Ready for Kindergarten Team identified an opportunity to support providers – and some of our community’s youngest learners – in early learning. During these conversations, providers identified an interest in offering […]
HCI Partners with Youthprise and the City of Northfield
HCI is proud to partner with Youthprise and the City of Northfield on the Youth First initiative. One of the key components of this work is to promote youth engagement, ensuring youth have seats at the community’s decision-making tables.
Northfield Promise Receives National Support to Accelerate Change
Northfield Promise, in partnership with Red Wing’s Every Hand Joined, is one of five communities across the country selected for the 2016 Accelerator Fund after a competitive application process. These network members, along with the six communities chosen for the first round in 2015, will receive support from a $12 million investment fund.
Hope Langston Selected for National Data Fellowship
Northfield Public Schools District Assessment Coordinator and Northfield Promise Data Team Co-Chair Hope Langston was selected last month for the prestigious Tableau Fellowship by StriveTogether.