A Community Movement
Northfield Promise is a community movement to enable all Northfield area children to thrive, from cradle to career.
This work is accomplished by connecting and aligning resources, programs and community members to collaborate toward measurable results on 10 benchmarks throughout every child’s life.
By aligning all major community institutions around this shared set of measurable benchmarks, we will achieve community-level change for children and youth growing up in Northfield, Minnesota.
View the 10 BenchmarksRooted in Collective Impact
The launch of Northfield Promise followed nearly 18 months of research on collective impact, in-depth conversations with more than 50 community groups and 500 stakeholders, and the selection of the StriveTogether framework.
Northfield Promise challenges the community to ensure all children succeed. It deliberately focuses attention and resources on disparities in achievement and access among Northfield’s children. Contact us to learn more.