EMT Pathway Attracts Students
November 18, 2022
The Northfield Community College Collaborative (NCCC) launched a new pathway this fall for people interested in becoming emergency medical technicians. The EMT program is offered in partnership with Northfield Hospital + Clinics. Students can become certified as EMTs in one year, after completing two courses and passing a national exam.
“The program is unique compared to other EMT programs because it’s hands-on and scenario-based,” said NCCC Project Manager Greg Gianopoulos.
The courses are taught by instructors from the hospital at the Emergency Medical Services facility at 1600 Riverview Lane. Some students may have the chance to work for the hospital and gain experience while they are in the program, or they may be hired after they pass the exam. The EMT students are also eligible for all the services available at the NCCC, which is located on the second floor of the Northfield Community Resource Center, 1651 Jefferson Parkway. These services include one-on-one advising, tutoring, free childcare provided during evening classes, and free evening meals.
NCCC student Jose Flores said he became interested in the program because of his experience working with clients at Laura Baker Services Association, and because of a family tragedy: his brother died in a car accident.
“He was leaving from work, and a car was speeding and hit him, and he had internal injuries,” Flores said. “It was very dramatic.”
The incident left Flores thinking about how he could help if he ever came across a similar situation, and he decided to pursue the EMT pathway. So far, he’s enjoyed participating in the hands-on activities and practicing all the skills he’ll need as an EMT.
“I want to learn more, and give more to the community as well,” Flores said.
For more information about the EMT program, or for other opportunities available through the NCCC, visit northfieldccc.org. To fill out an interest form, click here.