Bright Spot: MCA Test Results Highlight Improvements in Middle School Math Scores
January 8, 2019
According to the 2018 MCA Math Scores for Northfield’s 8th grade students, there is good news. After four years of declining scores from 2013-16, Northfield’s proficiency rates have increased by 12% over the past two years.
Not coincidentally, according to Northfield Public Schools Director of Assessment Services Hope Langston, the 8th grade math team of Laura Talbot Peterson, Kelly Hebzynski, Pete Maus and Dan Meyers began a continuous improvement effort two years ago.
Basing their work on data and reports from the MN Department of Education, the team set a goal of having EVERY 8th grade student master the math standards. Team members promote differentiated instruction in each class and collaborate with the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) team to help students with specific math needs. When students reach mastery of the skills, instructors continue to support the growth of additional math skills.
The efforts show significant improvement in the past two years, following a decline in scores from 2013 to 2016, underscoring the hard work of students and the Math Team.
“This team is unwavering in their high expectations for all students, relentless in their use of data to inform their instruction, and committed to continuously improving their practice.” – Hope Langston